iolo DRIVESCRUBBER ORDER FORM: You may use this order form for faxing or mailing orders for iolo DriveScrubber. Fax To: 1-323-257-8885 or Call iolo toll- free at 1-877-239-4656 (US) or 1-323-257-8888 (non US). All relevant information below is required to process your order. Company Name: ____________________________________________ Your Name: _______________________________________________ Phone Number: ____________________Fax:____________________ E-Mail Address(important): _______________________________ Street Address: __________________________________________ City:_____________________State/County:______ Zip Code:________ Country:__________________________________________________ Where did you obtain DriveScrubber? _________________________ Please indicate the number of copies you would like to order: [_____] Copy(s) of iolo DriveScrubber at $29.95 per copy or priced according to the multi-computer matrix if more than 4 copies. Shipping option: [ ] Email - FREE. (You can select both e-mail and postal delivery) [ ] Postal Delivery within the United States ($10.00) [ ] Postal Delivery outside of the United States ($15.00) I would like to pay with [ ] MasterCard [ ] Visa [ ] American Express [ ] Discover [ ] Check / Money Order (see below for important information) Card Holders Name:________________________________________ Credit Card Number:_______________________________________ Expiration Date:__________________________________________ [ ] I am enclosing a check or money order paid in US Dollars, drawn on a US Bank, and payable to iolo technologies, LLC. Please FAX to (323) 257-8885. Or mail to: iolo technologies, LLC 7470 N. Figueroa St. Los Angeles, CA 90041 ____________________________________________________________ There is a $20.00 processing fee for company purchase orders under $100.00 requesting net payment terms. Checks or money orders must be paid in US dollars and drawn on a US Bank. Orders are processed Monday through Friday, excluding US holidays. Please allow 24 hours for order processing. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.